Call me whatever you want, I LOVE the show The Hills. The season 4 premiere was tonight and I have a few comments to make.
~ Audrina's voice over. When Lo came to talk to Audrina, the last thing Audrina said was "we'll never be friends." It was totally a voice over, WTF is that? What did she really say? The least MTV could have done was make her reshoot the scene to say what they wanted her to say!
~ Heidi's sister's interview was hilarious. She was asked how she felt about the way Spencer treated her when she visited. Ummm, she practically had to choke the words "He's a good guy" out. It was so obvious that she was prompted to say that. It was awkward, forced and friggin hilarious. The words "Spencer" and "good guy" do not belong in the same sentence! Hello!
~ Was it just me or did Heidi look totally uncomfortable next to Spencer during their interview? Every time he opened his mouth you could practically see her cringe and freeze up, hoping he doesn't put his foot in his mouth like usual. What she sees in this guy, I don't know!
But all in all the season looks great, even though I'm kind of irritated that we only got a 30 minute show for the premiere. Hello, you make us wait all these months and we only get a half hour? Bastards!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I love Sailing
My father, his wife and my sister are frugal shoppers. Meaning they rarely buy anything new, are always looking for the greatest deals and would rather buy just about anything via garage sale than an actual store. (My sister actually bought a toilet a garage sale once. Ew.) My stepmother searched probably about six months for a used car before she finally made her purchase.
My mother, brother and I are impulse shoppers. If we want something, we buy it. It usually doesn't matter what the price is, it's more about the fact that we want it right then and there, and nobody is going to stop us from getting it. I love being an impulse shopper, because I think you only live life once. I'm not all about waiting to find the best deal or spending hours researching something before I buy it. (Only one time in my life can I recall ever kicking myself in the ass for being an impulse shopper and that was when I bought my current piece-of-shit car. I like to refer to is as the Ford "Gas Eater" Taurus. Why didn't I stick with Toyota? WHY?)
Lately I've been kind of leaning towards being the frugal shopper because there are certain things that I just refuse to pay full price outside furniture. To get anything halfway decent, you have to spend at least a couple hundred dollars. I don't spend enough time outside to warrant that kind payment. Plus the fact that I would have to drag in the furniture once it starts snowing and that will irritate me because it would take up too much room in my already cluttered basement. So a couple of weeks ago after searching high and low for deck furniture I decided I would buy some cheap plastic table and chairs and be done with it. Thankfully, I hadn't done that yet.
Today I decided to go to garage sales for lack of anything better to do. No, I'm lying...I actually planned it because I do enjoy looking at the junk other people don't want and paying a grossly cheap cost for it. It does give me a thrill to find a good deal. And I found one today. I found a set of white wicker furniture for my deck......for $35!!

I was so excited that I sat and "guarded" my furniture at this lady's house until my dad could come to get it a half hour later. Thankfully she didn't think I was a nut job and she sat down and talked to me for a while. Hm...maybe she DID think I was a nutjob and wanted to make sure I didn't take up residence in her yard.
Anyway I'm pleased with my purchase. So pleased that I didn't even bother going to any other sales. So pleased that I'm actually blogging about it, knowing that nobody would care. I'm even more pleased that I figured out how to put pictures in my blog.
Watch out pretend readers, I'm going to start being a picture whore.
My mother, brother and I are impulse shoppers. If we want something, we buy it. It usually doesn't matter what the price is, it's more about the fact that we want it right then and there, and nobody is going to stop us from getting it. I love being an impulse shopper, because I think you only live life once. I'm not all about waiting to find the best deal or spending hours researching something before I buy it. (Only one time in my life can I recall ever kicking myself in the ass for being an impulse shopper and that was when I bought my current piece-of-shit car. I like to refer to is as the Ford "Gas Eater" Taurus. Why didn't I stick with Toyota? WHY?)
Lately I've been kind of leaning towards being the frugal shopper because there are certain things that I just refuse to pay full price outside furniture. To get anything halfway decent, you have to spend at least a couple hundred dollars. I don't spend enough time outside to warrant that kind payment. Plus the fact that I would have to drag in the furniture once it starts snowing and that will irritate me because it would take up too much room in my already cluttered basement. So a couple of weeks ago after searching high and low for deck furniture I decided I would buy some cheap plastic table and chairs and be done with it. Thankfully, I hadn't done that yet.
Today I decided to go to garage sales for lack of anything better to do. No, I'm lying...I actually planned it because I do enjoy looking at the junk other people don't want and paying a grossly cheap cost for it. It does give me a thrill to find a good deal. And I found one today. I found a set of white wicker furniture for my deck......for $35!!

I was so excited that I sat and "guarded" my furniture at this lady's house until my dad could come to get it a half hour later. Thankfully she didn't think I was a nut job and she sat down and talked to me for a while. Hm...maybe she DID think I was a nutjob and wanted to make sure I didn't take up residence in her yard.
Anyway I'm pleased with my purchase. So pleased that I didn't even bother going to any other sales. So pleased that I'm actually blogging about it, knowing that nobody would care. I'm even more pleased that I figured out how to put pictures in my blog.
Watch out pretend readers, I'm going to start being a picture whore.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Coming Out
Is it kind of sick and twisted that I'm going to miss watching Tori & Dean's reality show? What's wrong with me? I used to be like one of millions who couldn't stand Tori Spelling, thinking she was a stuck up bitch who got her fame in acting because of her daddy. Maybe that's partially true with her 90210 role but in the beginning of that show she was a supporting character and she eventually made it a starring role.
But anyway, I'm digressing. I started watching her show a couple of seasons ago when her and hubby Dean opened the B&B and I fell in love! I fell in love with Tori who was exactly the opposite of what I thought she was. She didn't seem at all stuck up, she was settled down and married and expecting her first child. Being a mother myself, I could totally relate to what she was going through in her pregnancy. Plus she was friggin hilarious! The stuff that would come out of her mouth had me rolling.
I kept watching her seasons, practically being there for the birth of her son Liam and her daughter Stella this season and it gets me emotional to watch some of her episodes where she reflects on how wonderful her life is with her family. Just by being herself and finding happiness, she's managed to shed this awful stereotype that followed her around and she blossomed in to a sweet, kind, responsible mother. I think she's awesome! Plus I love watching her and hubby react to each other. They seem to make the perfect pair, each one of them balancing out the others strengths and weaknesses. It's really sweet to watch and the finale was this week (although we get treated to an "all access" behind-the-scenes show next week, Woo Woo!)
Anyway right now I can't beileve that I spent a whole blog talking about Tori Spelling. What is my life coming to? LOL I truly wish them the best of luck with their life together.
I'm literally falling asleep as I write this. I would say it's time to click "Publish" and call it a night.
But anyway, I'm digressing. I started watching her show a couple of seasons ago when her and hubby Dean opened the B&B and I fell in love! I fell in love with Tori who was exactly the opposite of what I thought she was. She didn't seem at all stuck up, she was settled down and married and expecting her first child. Being a mother myself, I could totally relate to what she was going through in her pregnancy. Plus she was friggin hilarious! The stuff that would come out of her mouth had me rolling.
I kept watching her seasons, practically being there for the birth of her son Liam and her daughter Stella this season and it gets me emotional to watch some of her episodes where she reflects on how wonderful her life is with her family. Just by being herself and finding happiness, she's managed to shed this awful stereotype that followed her around and she blossomed in to a sweet, kind, responsible mother. I think she's awesome! Plus I love watching her and hubby react to each other. They seem to make the perfect pair, each one of them balancing out the others strengths and weaknesses. It's really sweet to watch and the finale was this week (although we get treated to an "all access" behind-the-scenes show next week, Woo Woo!)
Anyway right now I can't beileve that I spent a whole blog talking about Tori Spelling. What is my life coming to? LOL I truly wish them the best of luck with their life together.
I'm literally falling asleep as I write this. I would say it's time to click "Publish" and call it a night.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
It's been a long time....
...since I've written in this thing, and I knew that would happen. Why, oh why can't I be consistent? I love to write and have lots to say. How hard is it to come on here once a day or even every couple of days to jot a few lines that nobody will read? This is coming from a person who is still not done completing her assignments for her semester that ended on July 3rd. Hmmmm. I would love to say that I'm busy, but I'm really not. I would love to say that I have a man that takes up most of my waking hours, but I don't. Well not really anyway. :) That brings me to my topic for today. Long distance relationships.
They suck. Well, the one I'm in sucks. And I'm trying to figure out how I can get better at it. It's funny, because two weeks ago when I started this entry I was asking myself how I could pull away from it with minimal hurt and suffering. Now I'm asking myself how I can get better at it. I'm in this "relationship" (which I put in quotes because I think it's more of a relationship then maybe he does) and I know him well enough now to know what works and what doesn't work.
What works:
What doesn't work:
~Temper tantrums
~Hanging up on him
On my best days I give him all the things that work. He's a busy fella, busy with work and busy with home life. He likes to keep fairly active even if it means doing simple things like washing his car and going window shopping on the weekends. When I'm feeling good and wanting to behave, I give him all the things that work well for us. I'm kind, loving and caring. That's the way I like to be. He's also a fan of his independence (i.e. me not calling and talking to him every five minutes) and likes when I'm patient with him when he gets busy with life.
On my worst days.....well, that's a whole other story. I get cranky when I can't talk to him. I make threats about finding someone new (yeah right, I have no interest in that, so why even mention it?), I give major attitude (Him: "What's wrong?" Me: (sigh) "Nothing!"), I sulk and sometimes I cry. Although in my own defense, I do cry real tears. Lately I've been giving him everything that doesn't work. I know these are things that don't work, yet I can't stop myself and then I wonder why he often questions whether or not he would really want to try and make things work. I won't make myself sound like the only criminal here, he has ways about him too. Sometimes he gets too wrapped up in himself, he doesn't deal with drama at all. When I say "at all" I mean that literally. Like if I have something on my mind that he thinks is drama, he steers clear of it, and sometimes even avoids it. So we are both at fault.
I kind of got a wake up call last week though. There is a possibility of a new "friend" in his life. But she's long distance too. Then my mind was going a million miles a minute. I did the first thing that came natural to me and blamed him for every single wrong in our relationship. And how dare you have a friendship with another woman (who is very pretty btw) while you still have me?
Then I started thinking and being real with myself. Who would want to be around someone who has major attitude all the time? Who would be around someone that questions every single move you make? Certainly not me. So I'm kind of taking a step back and looking at my own actions and how I can improve them. I do love this man. No matter what has happened or what has been said, I love him. That being said, do I want to give him someone that he wants to avoid? Or do I want to give him the very best of me? Is my little attitude and temper tantrums when I don't get my own way, worth losing him? No.
I'll take a diet coke with that big fat dose of reality, thankyouverymuch!!
They suck. Well, the one I'm in sucks. And I'm trying to figure out how I can get better at it. It's funny, because two weeks ago when I started this entry I was asking myself how I could pull away from it with minimal hurt and suffering. Now I'm asking myself how I can get better at it. I'm in this "relationship" (which I put in quotes because I think it's more of a relationship then maybe he does) and I know him well enough now to know what works and what doesn't work.
What works:
What doesn't work:
~Temper tantrums
~Hanging up on him
On my best days I give him all the things that work. He's a busy fella, busy with work and busy with home life. He likes to keep fairly active even if it means doing simple things like washing his car and going window shopping on the weekends. When I'm feeling good and wanting to behave, I give him all the things that work well for us. I'm kind, loving and caring. That's the way I like to be. He's also a fan of his independence (i.e. me not calling and talking to him every five minutes) and likes when I'm patient with him when he gets busy with life.
On my worst days.....well, that's a whole other story. I get cranky when I can't talk to him. I make threats about finding someone new (yeah right, I have no interest in that, so why even mention it?), I give major attitude (Him: "What's wrong?" Me: (sigh) "Nothing!"), I sulk and sometimes I cry. Although in my own defense, I do cry real tears. Lately I've been giving him everything that doesn't work. I know these are things that don't work, yet I can't stop myself and then I wonder why he often questions whether or not he would really want to try and make things work. I won't make myself sound like the only criminal here, he has ways about him too. Sometimes he gets too wrapped up in himself, he doesn't deal with drama at all. When I say "at all" I mean that literally. Like if I have something on my mind that he thinks is drama, he steers clear of it, and sometimes even avoids it. So we are both at fault.
I kind of got a wake up call last week though. There is a possibility of a new "friend" in his life. But she's long distance too. Then my mind was going a million miles a minute. I did the first thing that came natural to me and blamed him for every single wrong in our relationship. And how dare you have a friendship with another woman (who is very pretty btw) while you still have me?
Then I started thinking and being real with myself. Who would want to be around someone who has major attitude all the time? Who would be around someone that questions every single move you make? Certainly not me. So I'm kind of taking a step back and looking at my own actions and how I can improve them. I do love this man. No matter what has happened or what has been said, I love him. That being said, do I want to give him someone that he wants to avoid? Or do I want to give him the very best of me? Is my little attitude and temper tantrums when I don't get my own way, worth losing him? No.
I'll take a diet coke with that big fat dose of reality, thankyouverymuch!!
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