My mother, brother and I are impulse shoppers. If we want something, we buy it. It usually doesn't matter what the price is, it's more about the fact that we want it right then and there, and nobody is going to stop us from getting it. I love being an impulse shopper, because I think you only live life once. I'm not all about waiting to find the best deal or spending hours researching something before I buy it. (Only one time in my life can I recall ever kicking myself in the ass for being an impulse shopper and that was when I bought my current piece-of-shit car. I like to refer to is as the Ford "Gas Eater" Taurus. Why didn't I stick with Toyota? WHY?)
Lately I've been kind of leaning towards being the frugal shopper because there are certain things that I just refuse to pay full price outside furniture. To get anything halfway decent, you have to spend at least a couple hundred dollars. I don't spend enough time outside to warrant that kind payment. Plus the fact that I would have to drag in the furniture once it starts snowing and that will irritate me because it would take up too much room in my already cluttered basement. So a couple of weeks ago after searching high and low for deck furniture I decided I would buy some cheap plastic table and chairs and be done with it. Thankfully, I hadn't done that yet.
Today I decided to go to garage sales for lack of anything better to do. No, I'm lying...I actually planned it because I do enjoy looking at the junk other people don't want and paying a grossly cheap cost for it. It does give me a thrill to find a good deal. And I found one today. I found a set of white wicker furniture for my deck......for $35!!

I was so excited that I sat and "guarded" my furniture at this lady's house until my dad could come to get it a half hour later. Thankfully she didn't think I was a nut job and she sat down and talked to me for a while. Hm...maybe she DID think I was a nutjob and wanted to make sure I didn't take up residence in her yard.
Anyway I'm pleased with my purchase. So pleased that I didn't even bother going to any other sales. So pleased that I'm actually blogging about it, knowing that nobody would care. I'm even more pleased that I figured out how to put pictures in my blog.
Watch out pretend readers, I'm going to start being a picture whore.
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