TGIF!! My day started out kind of fun today. The guy across the street has an assortment of animals from dogs and cats to ducks and roosters. I feel I should mention that I don't live in the country, on a farm or anywhere near farms. I live in a residential neighborhood on a mildly busy street which leads to a major interstate. Why he decided to have ducks and roosters, I don't know. I do know that he doesn't have any kind of fence around his hard and all of the animals....except for the dog.......are free to roam the neighborhood. I've seen the duck family on more than one occassion in the middle of the road with cars waiting patiently for them to cross.
I get a kick out of the rooster though when I hear him. Thankfully I sleep with the fan on so he doesn't wake me up. But he's not partial to just mornings, he will do his thing whenever he feels like it. I've never seen him go any further than his side of the road, until today. I went to the convenient store which is located two doors down from me and directly across the street from the farm animals. I pull in.....and who is parked in one of the parking spots taking in the scenery? The rooster. Just standing there, chilling. Trying to go unnoticed which wasn't happening. I went in to the store and got my coffee and when I came out, I just had to take a picture of the little guy.

At that point he moved up to the sidewalk and he had found something to ruffle his feathers at, literally. I wasn't sure what is was, but I didn't want to find out so I walked around the other cars away from him to get to my own car. It does bug me though that the guy can't bother to put up a fence in the yard to keep the animals safe. Then again, this is the same guy who used to leave his dog tied up outside all day every day, including the dead of winter. I think he got in trouble for that. But farm animals must be ok here. (?)
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