Since I find myself completely blog-sessed lately, I decided to start one of my own. I have been burdened with complete obsession, spending hours reading blogs. Why, I have no idea. Actually it started out being just two blogs that I read faithfully. The very first one I read came from the WW site that I frequent from time-to-time whenever I "decide" that I need to change my eating and workout habits. I read her story about how her life and it was moving enough that I decided (that's a frequently used word for me, you'll see...) that I wanted to continue reading. Then I was hooked. What makes me hooked to a blog, you ask?
I am attracted to humorous bloggers that keep me chuckling or something simple as being able to relate to their daily life. So I have three preferred blogs as of now, but I won't mention them just yet because they don't know me (guess that makes me a stalker? LOL) and I haven't asked them if I could do it, but I will.
My very first blog is taking place at work. The main reason being that today I refuse to do any work. I'm on my own personal strike. I'm also bubbling with rage at my co-worker.
Ugh if you only knew. Ok let me try to explain.
We have two secretaries here, with me being one of them (there used to be three but they decided not to hire another secretary when the last one left). Anyway the other lady is a above me, but not my boss and not really considered a "secretary" because she's more like an assistant. (Hey I work for the state, we are real big on Titles that don't mean shit!) which is fine with me. But what really bugs me is she's involved in this project that always keeps her at meetings (I especially love the lunchtime meetings which leaves me the option of either not taking a lunch, or going at 2:00 in the afternoon - which in that case I'll be lucky if I get a parking spot when I return). The meetings I can't really say anything about. But what really irritates me to no end is that she's CONSTANTLY leaving her desk to go visit with people (a.k.a. gossip). And we're not talking a few minutes, I'm talking anywhere from 1/2 hour to an hour. The other day I was so irritated at her because she left for a half hour, came back for a half hour, left again and then had the nerve to take a lunch, followed by another meeting from 2:30 - 4:00. The rage was bubbling inside me and I had to punish her with silence, because that's what I do. LOL
Another thing that irritates me.....whenever I have to leave early, she picks some time anywhere from 15-30 mins before I'm supposed to leave and she leaves her desk to go socialize. But what she likes to do is return to her desk around 5 minutes after I'm supposed to have already left. I like to make sure that by the time she returns, I have my bags on the desk, sunglasses on my head, and I'm sitting on the end of my chair, and staring at the door. For real. LOL So when she comes in, I pop up and then literally while I'm RUNNING out the door I say, I gotta go I'm late. LOL. I think she gets the point, but yet she still continues to do this.
Ok I'm done venting. Today I'm having one of those days where I'm annoyed at her. Other days I think she's great, especially when she tells me I can leave early. See, I want my cake and eat it too. Who wouldn't want to eat their cake? What.
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