Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Can't Think of a Good Title at 1:39 AM

Yes, it's 1:39 AM and I am still not asleep despite the fact that I have to take my dad to the airport at 5:30. I am going to be a walking dead person tomorrow. I've had this problem falling asleep the past few nights. Last night I couldn't get to sleep until 3:30 (what is it with the half hour b.s.?) but in my own defense (and who am I defending myself to?), I didn't have to work today because I had oral surgery today and had to take the day off. I don't like oral surgery but having the day off was a nice reward for my punishment.

Speaking of oral surgery....I now have this painful lump in my jaw near the extraction. I wonder if this is OK? I'm still tasting blood which I don't particularly enjoy because I would rather be tasting food. Real food....ya know, the kind you can chew. Today I had garlic mashed potatoes and chocolate ice cream. Which I have to be honest, was pretty good. But I ate way too many potatoes. Country Crock makes a great tub of potatoes and I ate them all. Now I feel kind of gross but between that and the ice cream I think I still stayed under my calories.

Well I'll be damned....I'm getting that sleepy feeling. I'm going to jump on it while it's still here.
And this concludes a very boring, random and useless posting for today.

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