Monday, March 16, 2009

I'll take an order of Excitement to go, please...

Another one of my new goals is not to mention a certain person in this blog anymore. At least not until I can do so without caring. Now it's going to be all about ME.

Today was a long day to get through. Just feeling mopey but doing ok with it. I brought my gym clothes with me and I'll be meeting my friend after work. I already can't wait to get that over with, but I know I will feel great that I did it. I'm toying with the idea of having a 2nd gym membership. My current gym does not have any classes and I really miss doing step aerobics. There's another gym that I could join and I would be paying $19.99 for each. I wouldn't give up my current membership because that is where my friend belongs and I will still like the option of going with her. I have to think about it more though. I need variety in my workouts. I figure a few days a week on the machines and a few doing classes would be perfect!

I need more excitement in my life. There has to be something more than getting up, going to work, working out, coming home and being a mom and watching TV. I would love to plan a trip, even a weekend trip with my son. But I don't really have the money. I desperately need a new car by the end of the year and all the money I have in savings will go to that.....if I don't keep dipping in to it, that is. I'm going to do some research and see what I can come up with.


Martalu said...

Too bad your second job doesn't pay in cash! But you are on such a good path that I think everything will work out just fine. How can it not with your great attitude!

Losinthisdangfat said...

Hi. I found your blog through another blog that I like to read. Just wanted to say hello!